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Monday, 26 December 2022 08:37

Photometry of Stellar Clusters at Sharjah Optical Observatory

The Sharjah Optical Observatory of the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology organized a special workshop under the title "Stellar Photometry and HR Diagrams With SOO and LCO."

This workshop, as Prof. Mashhoor Al-Wardat, the Director of the SAASST Academic Department, mentioned in his opening speech, is intended to provide the essential skills and knowledge needed to perform photometry and better understand the infamous Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram and its application to star clusters.


As per the program, various speakers introduced photometry to measure the stars' physical properties and conduct astronomical observations. The robotic telescopes of the Las Cumbers Observatory (LCO) were introduced as astronomers are using them on a 24-hour basis. The workshop included several hands-on sessions related to astronomical observation techniques like preparing for the observations, the BANZAI pipeline, and CCD photometry. The attendees also had theoretical lectures on stellar evolution and synthetic photometry.