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Tuesday, 28 March 2023 14:27

Astronomical Data for Ramadhan 1444 AH When Does It Start?

Basic Astronomical Information about the observations of the crescent of Ramadhan 1444 AH:




Mar. 21, 2023


Mar. 22, 2023

Sun/Moon Data

Sun/Moon Data

New Moon

09:23 pm


Sunset (Azimuth)

6:29 pm (2710)

6:30 pm(2710)

Moonset (Azimuth)

6:17 pm (2660)

7:19 pm (2740)

Moon’s Altitude



Moon’s Illumination (%)



Lag Time (Minutes)



Age (Hrs, Min)


21 h 7



An impossible setting for the crescent to be observed on Mar. 21 since New Moon happens after sunset. The simulation shows that there is no Moon at the time of sunset. Therefore, we should expect the first day of Ramadhan 1444 AH to be on Thursday, Mar. 23, 2023. 

We should note that Venus and Jupiter are visible just after sunset, which may confuse the general public in taking one of them as the new crescent.