h. 01:00 PM
Phantom of the Universe
استكشاف مثير للمادة المظلمة، من الانفجار العظيم إلى اكتشافه المتوقع في مصادم هادرون الكبير. سيكشف العرض عن الإشارات الأولى لوجوده من خلال عيون فريتز زويكي، العالم الذي صاغ مصطلح "المادة المظلمة
An exciting exploration of dark matter, from the Big Bang to its anticipated discovery at the Large Hadron Collider. The show will reveal the first hints of its existence through the eyes of Fritz Zwicky, the scientist who coined the term "dark matter
An exciting exploration of dark matter, from the Big Bang to its anticipated discovery at the Large Hadron Collider. The show will reveal the first hints of its existence through the eyes of Fritz Zwicky, the scientist who coined the term "dark matter
h. 01:00 PM
Deen Alqayima
قصة خلق الكون من لحظة الانفجار العظيم حتى نهاية الكون عبر آيات قرآنية تتسق مع أحدث نتائج البحوث الكونية. في هذا الفيلم تتجلى قصة الرسالة الإسلامية
The story of the creation of the universe from the moment of the Big Bang until the end of the universe through Quranic verses consistent with the latest results of cosmological research. In this film, the story of the Islamic message is revealed in 360-degree scenes and unique immersion.
The story of the creation of the universe from the moment of the Big Bang until the end of the universe through Quranic verses consistent with the latest results of cosmological research. In this film, the story of the Islamic message is revealed in 360-degree scenes and unique immersion.
h. 01:00 PM
Cosmic Clouds
From clouds of cosmic gas and dust where new stars are born, to supernova remnants being the aftermath of violent stellar deaths, and everything in-between! In this show, you will explore the exciting topic of nebulas with live astronomical simulation controls and passionate narration of our knowledgeable Sharjah Planetarium team!
From clouds of cosmic gas and dust where new stars are born, to supernova remnants being the aftermath of violent stellar deaths, and everything in-between! In this show, you will explore the exciting topic of nebulas with live astronomical simulation controls and passionate narration of our knowledgeable Sharjah Planetarium team!
h. 01:00 PM
Black Holes
الثقب الأسود مكان في الفضاء يكون فيه تأثير الجاذبية لا نهائيا لدرجة أن الضوء لا يستطيع الإفلات منه. التلسكوبات الفضائية المزودة بمجسات استشعار خاصة يمكن أن تساعدنا في العثور على الثقوب السوداء
A black hole is a place in space where the effect of gravity is so strong that no light can escape from it. Space telescopes with special sensors that can help us find black holes
A black hole is a place in space where the effect of gravity is so strong that no light can escape from it. Space telescopes with special sensors that can help us find black holes
h. 05:00 PM
Beyond the Sun
إن عملية اكتشاف الكواكب حول النجوم الأخرى مدهشة جدا ، تعال معنا لتعرف على كيفية تمكن علماء الفلك من العثور على الكثير من هذه العوالم الغريبة!
The process of discovering planets around other stars is incredibly fascinating, join us to learn about how astronomers managed to find so many of these strange worlds!
The process of discovering planets around other stars is incredibly fascinating, join us to learn about how astronomers managed to find so many of these strange worlds!
h. 07:30 PM
Zula Patrol
The Zula Patrol discovered that the evil Deliria has been travelling back in time in order to illegally dump her byproducts on earth, so the Zula Patriot must time – travel back to the very beginnings of planet earth, before her illegal dumping causes catastrophic consequences. Be one of zula patrol and save earth.
h. 01:00 PM
Deen Alqayima
قصة خلق الكون من لحظة الانفجار العظيم حتى نهاية الكون عبر آيات قرآنية تتسق مع أحدث نتائج البحوث الكونية. في هذا الفيلم تتجلى قصة الرسالة الإسلامية
The story of the creation of the universe from the moment of the Big Bang until the end of the universe through Quranic verses consistent with the latest results of cosmological research. In this film, the story of the Islamic message is revealed in 360-degree scenes and unique immersion.
The story of the creation of the universe from the moment of the Big Bang until the end of the universe through Quranic verses consistent with the latest results of cosmological research. In this film, the story of the Islamic message is revealed in 360-degree scenes and unique immersion.
h. 01:00 PM
tars are the most widely recognized astronomical objects and represent the most fundamental building blocks of galaxies. Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies Moreover, stars are responsible for the manufacture and distribution of heavy elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and their characteristics are intimately tied to the characteristics of the planetary systems. Consequently, the study of the birth, life, and death of stars is central to the field
h. 01:00 PM
Destination Mars
It gives you an up-close look at humanity’s most epic endeavor.
It Explore the work being done around the globe to help make the dream of getting humans to Mars a reality.
h. 01:00 PM
Birth of Planet Earth
كوكبنا لم يكن موجودًا إلى الأبد! مثله مثل الإنسان ، ولد في مرحلة ما! دعنا نتعرف على العملية الرائعة لكيفية حدوث ذلك!
Our planet did not exist forever! Just like every human, at some point it was born! Lets learn about the fascinating process of how that happened!
Our planet did not exist forever! Just like every human, at some point it was born! Lets learn about the fascinating process of how that happened!
h. 05:00 PM
Explore the ISS
Being the largest artificial satellite orbiting the Earth where astronauts live and conduct scientific research, the International Space Station is surely an exciting topic to explore! Join us for an immersive full-dome simulation of the ISS where you will be guided by the live narration of our Sharjah Planetarium team to learn more about this impressive marvel of science and technology!
h. 07:30 PM
Beyond the Sun
إن عملية اكتشاف الكواكب حول النجوم الأخرى مدهشة جدا ، تعال معنا لتعرف على كيفية تمكن علماء الفلك من العثور على الكثير من هذه العوالم الغريبة!
The process of discovering planets around other stars is incredibly fascinating, join us to learn about how astronomers managed to find so many of these strange worlds!
The process of discovering planets around other stars is incredibly fascinating, join us to learn about how astronomers managed to find so many of these strange worlds!